No matter where you are in your journey, the best of both worlds begins now!

B. LOVE is an award-winning, bestselling author of over 150 titles in the African American romance and urban romance genres. In just seven years, Love has accomplished more than anyone her age, which led to her being aptly called the Prolific Pen Pusher.
Love is a self-love and womanhood maven. Since age 12, she has been spreading life-changing content that helps cultivate growth, self-awareness, compassion, and gratitude.
Every captivating word and plot in Love’s portfolio is geared toward empowering, enlightening, and entertaining whoever chances upon her writing. Because of this burning desire to catalyze others’ growth through continuous learning and self-reflection, Love founded her publishing company, earning the title of Ambassador of Black Love stories, where she helped publish over 500 enthralling books for over 50 talented authors.
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WEBSITE: www.authorblove.net